Tuesday, August 11, 2009

426 Days To A Fitter And Healthier Me

This isn't going to be like some of those other blogs out there. I'm not going to bore you with every detail of my work-out routine or what my body fat percentage is.

This blog will focus more on the emotional and mental battle this journey will be taking me on.

I am dedicating my mind, body and soul on making a complete transformation. This isn't about how big my muscles can get or how much weight I can lift. It is about the highs, lows, and my determination to avoid my self-sabotaging ways.

I invite you to join me on the ride of my life and experience the trials and tribulations on what it takes to make it to FAME!

The journey begins September 1, 2009.

1 comment:

  1. It's Time to Buckle down. Be a Victor, STAND UP.
    Proud of you! Everybody is going to sit in the sidelines and watch you. You will be the only one to prove them right or wrong Melissa. Jason
